- reticuloendothelium
- ретикулоэндотелий* * *ретикулоэндотелий
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
reticuloendothelium — The cells making up the reticuloendothelial system. [reticulo + endothelium] * * * re·tic·u·lo·en·do·the·li·um .en də thē lē əm n, pl lia lē ə the cells of the reticuloendothelial system regarded as a tissue * * * re·tic·u·lo·en·do·the·li·um… … Medical dictionary
reticuloendothelium — re·tic·u·lo·endothelium … English syllables
reticuloendothelium — rə̇|tikyəlō+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from reticul + endothelium : the cells of the reticuloendothelial system regarded as a tissue … Useful english dictionary
reticuloendotheliosis — noun A form of neoplasia characterized by proliferation of the reticuloendothelium in an organ or tissue … Wiktionary
reticuloendothelial — Denoting or referring to reticuloendothelium. See r. system. * * * re·tic·u·lo·en·do·the·li·al ri tik yə lō .en də thē lē əl adj of, relating to, or being the reticuloendothelial system <reticuloendothelial tissue> <reticuloendothelial… … Medical dictionary
reticuloendothelioma — Obsolete term for a localized reticulosis, or neoplasm derived from reticuloendothelial tissue. [reticuloendothelium + G. oma, tumor] … Medical dictionary
reticuloendotheliosis — re·tic·u·lo·en·do·the·li·o·sis .thē lē ō səs n, pl o·ses .sēz any of several disorders characterized by proliferation of reticuloendothelial cells or their derivatives called also reticulosis * * * re·tic·u·lo·en·do·the·li·o·sis (rə… … Medical dictionary
vas sinusoideum — [TA] sinusoid: a form of terminal blood channel consisting of a large, irregular anastomosing vessel, having a lining of reticuloendothelium but little or no adventitia; sinusoids are found in the liver, adrenals, heart, parathyroid, carotid… … Medical dictionary